Comedy DVD

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The Benefits of Medical Marijuana

One of marijuana’s most famous positive effect is for HIV/AIDS patients, Chemotherapy patients, also many forms of cancer patients. Studies and research done by FDA and American Cancer Society both agree that ingredients in marijuana or known as cannabinoids is able to relieve nausea, vomiting, increases appetite for chemotherapy patients (also AIDS patients) and has anti-bacterial properties which can fight tumor growth. (Smith, 2012) Another benefits from marijuana is, a medicine  for glaucoma patients.  What is Glaucoma? In short Glaucoma is a disease that damage optic nerve system which can lead to blindness.( On a study in 1975 researchers also found out the effects of marijuana can help glaucoma patients, the cannabinoids help reduce the damaged optic nerves. (Smith,2012) But still new studies needs to be done since it has been over 25 years since the last study. Third benefits from using or consuming marijuana as a medicine is for people that are having Multiple Sclerosis. This disease can affect patient’s brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves in the eyes. It can harm visions even simple daily activities this disease also unique because some sufferers might need some treatment and others don’t. ( And cannabis is actually helping by reducing pain on the muscle area such as hands or feet so people with MS can have a relaxed feeling, also the chemical inside marijuana can treat muscle spasms. but of course on a low and proper dosage. (Welsh, 2014).
downloadFrom all three examples above marijuana’s health benefits do exist, researchers are able to conduct proper studies that can finally determine what this drug capable of. And another good news is these three benefits are not the only positive effect of marijuana, cannabinoids have many more effects and those things are, marijuana helps positive effect on treatment for Epilepsy, it can also help treat Alzheimer’s disease by preventing growth of an enzyme which cause the disease in the first place, it can treat Arthritis, also Hepatitis C, even morning sickness. (Smith,2012)
Recent Study in Israel showed that smoking marijuana or consuming marijuana helped reduce tremors, and helped people with Parkinson’s disease to get more sleep also improving the motor skills.(Welsh,2014) Dr. Tod Mikuriya, a former national administrator of the U.S. government’s research program, had this to say“After dealing with about 10,000 patents in the last 15 years, I’d say about 200 different medical conditions respond favorably to cannabis”. Now we know from the late doctor,  marijuana do contributes in helping people with certain dangerous diseases, until now researcher keep on testing this drug for its many benefits.

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