Comedy DVD

Sunday, 5 April 2015

CHARLIE HEBDO INCIDENT: An Effect of the Freddom Of Speech

The Charlie Hebdo incident that occurred recently surely have shocked the world , the killings were very gruesome and the insults against various communities(Christians,Muslims,Jewish)already become one of the most horrible tragedy in Paris and of course the world. Many aspects have been brought up to discussion when we talked about Charlie Hebdon, what  I’m going to put out is the term “freedom of speech” which to me is a very delicate matter.
Charlie Hebdo as we know have portrayed many individuals that represents various communities including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the leader of ISIS. Personally I think the drawings are very controversial, Charlie Hebdo to me have abused the system,  freedom of speech should not be mistreated and become a shield when an institution or even a person provoke another groups  or individual. Freedom of speech is a symbol of our rights and a way to communicate better and not as a connection breaker.  What the paper did have crossed the line surely, they have used the freedom of speech to insult another person’s belief it’s very obvious that not everybody can accept their actions not everybody in this wide world have the some toleration limit. The people who work over there at Charlie Hebdo should realize that, why do they keep doing that? look at the result people died over a cartoon sounds very ridiculous also absurd but of course it can be prevented. We cannot change or alter the past the tragedy is very fortunate, what have happened over at Paris can just be another lesson for all of us in the future to choose our words carefully, think twice about our actions,once again freedom of speech have limits.
What about the killings? Is it really necessary or is it just an excuse to terrorize others in the name of God.  The terrorists who killed people over at Charlie Hebdon should be brought to justice my opinion is the killings are very unnecesary and overated. A censorship or even a banning to the paper or just maybe  a discussion between  Charlie Hebdo’s side and the offended communities should be enough. What those terrorists did was not defending their religion and their prophet what they did was more than enough to make people all over the world judge and questioned Islam. It’s in the eye of the world Islam have become a factory for violence, hatred, and other bad things. Many people can misjudge Islam with the terrorists , people tend to think the actions of a certain individuals defines his/her groups and communities. This situation like it or not happened in various situation many Muslims are going to have a hard time or already had hard time because of this. Social discrimination is a result too, this is why this extremists need to learn they have become a danger to the thing they hold dear and protect and certain  dialogues , seminars needs to be done to open people’s eyes so we can make a difference between terrorists and Muslim.
In conclusion my thoughts about these are simple which are to think before you do and to process our way of thinking before we judge others. Let us learn from Charlie Hebdo and be better in the future.